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Updating and Sending a Document
PUT: /v1/documents/documents/{docID}/
Changes the settings on a document and prepares it for sending to the invitee list
JSON <multipart/related>
URL Parameters
None (Replace docID with the document’s ID)
Data Parameters
Field | Mandatory | Type | Description |
title | No | String | The name of the document |
signingStatus | Yes | Integer | 52 : system will send the invitation out to the recipients. 51 : system will not send the invitation SIGNING_STATUS_DRAFT = 51 SIGNING_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS = 52 SIGNING_STATUS_COMPLETED = 53 SIGNING_STATUS_REJECTED = 54 (Must be changed to 52) |
folderId | No | Integer | Folder to place the document in |
version | No | Integer | Optimistic locking version retrieved |
settings | No | JSONArray | Document to edit the settings of |
emailSubject | String | Text in the email subject | |
emailBody | String | Text written in the email body | |
Tags | No | JSONArray | List of Tags to be put in the document |
id | Integer | ID of the tag | |
pageId | Integer | Page that the tag is on | |
name | String | Name of the tag | |
groupName | String | Name of group (If applicable) | |
isMandatory | Boolean | Whether the field must be filled out | |
height | Integer | Number of pixels in height | |
invitationId | Integer | ID of the user it’s assigned to | |
left | Integer | Number of pixels from the left of the file | |
top | Integer | Number of pixels from the top of the file | |
type | Integer | Contact us for more information about it’s usage | |
width | Integer | Number of pixels in width | |
text | String | Text shown in text tag | |
image | String | Image source for image tag | |
style | JSONString | Contact us for usage | |
Invitations | No | JSONArray | Array of new user objects |
Response returns a response containing the information of the updated document or an error response
Response Parameters
Field | Mandatory | Type | Description |
id | Yes | Integer | ID of the document |
title | Yes | String | Name of the document |
senderName | Yes | String | The name shown in the invitation and on UI |
senderEmail | Yes | String | The email address shown in the invitation email |
signingStatus | Yes | Integer | The current status of document * when creating or updating a document, if signingStatus = 52, system will send the invitation out to the recipients. SIGNING_STATUS_DRAFT = 51 SIGNING_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS = 52 SIGNING_STATUS_COMPLETED = 53 SIGNING_STATUS_REJECTED = 54 |
createdTime | No | Integer | Time that the document was created |
lastModifiedTime | No | Integer | Time of the last modification |
documentSentTime | No | String | ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.m Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond |
userId | No | Integer | The owner of the account which is used to send this document out. |
documentSetting | No | JSONObject | The general settings of the document |
invitations | No | JSONArray | The recipients list |
Files | No | JSONArray | Usually don’t need to parse this part of data! Include: Files, pages and tags information |
histories | No | JSONArray | Audit trail |
Request: data = { "document": { "signingStatus": 51 } } requests.put('https://sign.signority.com/api/v1/documents/{doc_id}', data, auth=(apiKey, '')) Response: {'document': {'DocumentRoot': '/var/signority_doc1', 'GUID': '8ec1f45a-bdf7-4972-8716-35919d12c768', 'PKIEnabled': False, 'createdTime': 1590593250000, 'documentSentTime': 'Wed May 27 11:27:32 EDT 2020', 'documentSetting': {'EmailBody': '', 'EmailSubject': 'Python User 27 has ' 'sent you the ' 'document API Test ' 'document 001 (11)', 'EnableIndicatorManuallyFilledAddress': True, 'ExpireDaysAfterSent': 180, 'LastReminderDaysBeforeExpire': 3, 'LastReminderEmailHasBeenSent': False, 'MaxReminderEmailCount': 5, 'NotificationExpiredDocEmailEnabled': True, 'NotificationFinalEmailWithAttachmentEmailEnabled': True, 'NotificationFinalEmailWithAttachmentToAllRecipientsEnabled': True, 'NotificationFinalEmailWithPDFDownloadLinkToAllRecipientsEnabled': False, 'NotificationFinalEmailWithPDFDownloadLinkToSenderEnabled': False, 'NotificationNoFinalEmailToRecipientsEnabled': False, 'NotificationNoFinalEmailToSenderEnabled': False, 'NotificationRecipientSignDocEmailEnabled': True, 'NotificationRecipientViewDocEmailEnabled': False, 'NotificationReminderEmailEnabled': True, 'PKIEnabled': False, 'ReminderEmailIntervalDays': 3, 'TemplateLinkCaseNumberEnabled': False, 'TemplateLinkPreAuthorizedCodeEnabled': False, 'TemplateNewlyDocShareToTeamEnabled': False, 'documentId': 27445, 'enablePageViewEvidence': False, 'hideButtonChangeSigner': False, 'hideButtonDownload': False, 'hideButtonHelp': False, 'hideButtonReject': False, 'hideButtonSave': False, 'hideButtonStatus': False, 'hideButtonThumbnail': False, 'hideSigningButtonDrawingSignature': False, 'hideSigningButtonTypeSignature': False, 'hideSigningButtonUploadSignature': False, 'id': 27317, 'languageCode': 550, 'notificationFinalEmailWithAttachmentToAllRecipientsEnabled': True, 'postBackSuccess': False, 'templateLinkClientDataDisplayEnable': False, 'templateLinkClientDataRequired': False}, 'documentType': 5, 'files': [{'id': 28404, 'name': 'blank', 'pages': [{'height': 792, 'id': 173542, 'sequence': 1, 'tags': [], 'width': 612}], 'sequence': 1, 'type': 151}, {'id': 28405, 'name': 'blank', 'pages': [{'height': 792, 'id': 173543, 'sequence': 1, 'tags': [], 'width': 612}], 'sequence': 1, 'type': 151}], 'histories': [{'action': 'Document created by', 'actionId': 352, 'dateTime': 1590593250000, 'documentID': 27445, 'email': 'pythonuser27@mail.com', 'id': 62431, 'ip': '', 'name': 'Python User 27'}, {'action': 'Document sent by', 'actionId': 353, 'dateTime': 1590593252069, 'documentID': 27445, 'email': 'pythonuser27@mail.com', 'id': 62432, 'ip': '', 'name': 'Python User 27'}], 'hsmDigitalSignEnabled': False, 'id': 27445, 'invitations': [{'EnableIndicatorManuallyFilledAddress': True, 'GUID': '247a4b17-d871-47b5-b365-1439f84efee3', 'ReminderEmailCount': 0, 'actionType': 15, 'authentications': [], 'canSignTags': True, 'hostedSignerCanSignTags': True, 'hostedSigners': [], 'id': 33157, 'invitationEmailBounced': False, 'isBulkSigner': False, 'lastReminderSent': False, 'recipientEmail': 'pythonrecip@mail.com', 'recipientName': 'Python Recipient', 'sequence': 1, 'status': 61, 'witnesses': []}], 'isOverlayForNewDocFileUpload': False, 'isPublished': False, 'lastModifiedTime': 1590593252042, 'senderEmail': 'pythonuser27@mail.com', 'senderName': 'Python User 27', 'sharedToTeam': False, 'signingStatus': 52, 'templateLinkClientDataDisplayEnable': False, 'title': 'API Test document 001 (11)', 'userId': 1354, 'version': 4}, 'success': True}