Benefits of Digital Signatures

You may have heard the term digital signature thrown around frequently and many consider it synonymous with electronic signature. In this post, we’ll go over the benefits of digital signatures and touch on how they differ to help you decide which is the best option for you!

What is an Electronic Signature?

First, by definition, an electronic signature is simply information in electronic form that captures the intent of a signer. This means that the “signature” can be in the form of a symbol, typed text, or even image or sound, as long as the intention is present and captured. By law, this will make the signature and document legally-binding and accepted. Therefore, if the person’s association and intent are both demonstrated in the signature, then the document is legally accepted. The person’s association and intent are both captured in the audit trail. For more information about the audit trail, check out our blog post on the anatomy of an audit trail. You can learn more about electronic signatures in our whitepaper “A Brief Introduction to eSignatures“.

What is a Digital Signature?

So how is a digital signature any different from an electronic signature? Well, technically, a digital signature is a form of electronic signature that further improves the security and authentication of the signature.
Digital Signatures work as an extra protective layer on top of electronic signatures, rather than replacing them. When a document is digitally signed, a cryptographic operation binds an Adobe-verified digital certificate to the PDF file data, creating a unique digital “fingerprint”. The digital certificate and the unique fingerprint are what makes digital signatures so viable.
If you’d like a more technical breakdown of how digital signature technology works, check out our whitepaper on the breakdown of digital signature and its differences to eSignature.

In Signority, to use digital signatures on the documents you send out is simple. When you click on the “Send” button in the Document Editor, just choose the “Secure with Digital Signatures” option. When the document is signed by all your signers, a digital signature will be applied by Signority onto the finalized document.

Benefits of Digital Signatures

As a result of Digital Signatures, you can be assured of 3 things:

  1. Signer identity is valid – you will know that the signers are who they say they are
  2. Tamper-proofing – you can be ensured that the document hasn’t been tampered with, otherwise, the signature would be invalidated
  3. Non-repudiation – the signer cannot deny having signed the signature and it is possible to prove intent in court

This is shown through the final PDF document that comes from Signority. When you open a document with a digital signature in a PDF reader, you will typically see a message that verifies and authenticates the signing process. For example, all versions of Adobe Reader will automatically verify a digital signature on a document. If the digital signature is valid, then a blue banner with a green check-mark will appear at the top.

If the document is ever tampered with, with either Photoshop or a text editor, you will notice a warning sign when you open the document in a PDF reader like the one shown below.

You may also get a warning sign with a red ‘x’ like the one below saying that the certification is invalid.
tampered documents will have broken banners highlight benefits of digital signatures

In both cases, you should take the precaution to check the contents of the document, since they could be compromised.

Clicking the Signature Panel button on the right of the banner in Adobe Reader brings up further details about the signing process. You’ll see a sidebar appear with the following information shown for the signature. You can see that it gives plenty of information on the signing process, such as the validity of the signer identity, the timestamp, etc. Clicking on the Certificate Details… will also bring further information, including the public and private keys used to encrypt the document.
benefits of digital signatures - signature validation
You can see the benefits of digital signatures already with the level of encryption information stored directly in the file. These documents will be secured forever regardless of what happens to the involved parties!
You can learn more about digital signatures and whether it’s best for you by checking out our whitepaper on the breakdown of electronic signature vs digital signature here.

Further Reading

Are Electronic Signatures Legally Binding?
The Breakdown: Electronic Signatures vs. Digital Signatures Blog post
Electronic Signature Authentication using Email and SMS

Bulk Send Documents for Signing

The Bulk Sign feature lets you easily bulk send documents for signing to up to 200 people simultaneously. Configure a Bulk Sign template once, and a copy will be sent to each person for signing automatically. Each document you send through Bulk Sign will show up in your document list, so you can track the progress for each recipient.

Creating Bulk Send Documents for Signing

To create a Bulk Sign template, click +New and then New Template. When prompted, select the Bulk Sign option.
Select to create a bulk send document for signing
Creating a Bulk Send document is the same as creating a Document for electronic signature, except that you’ll add recipients very differently. Like the other template options, you will be taken directly to the Editor page. For this workflow, you will need:

  • A CSV file to import your signer list
  • The names and emails of all of your signers

Bulk send documents for signing - the editor page with annotated descriptions

  1. Use the Add Files button to upload the document you want to bulk send for signatures.
  2. Unlike Templates and Template Links, with Bulk Sign documents, you’ll want to add the tags first. This is so you can pre-populate text tags from the CSV file listing your signers. Drag and drop the tags meant for the bulk signers and then open the tag settings using the cog icon above a selected tag. When you open the settings, change the name to something easily recognizable, like Name_1 or Position_1, for e.g.

changing bulk sign tags for pre-populated informationAUTOFILL: You can autofill certain tags on a Bulk Sign document for each individual recipient by adding additional columns other than the Name and Email columns in your Bulk Sign CSV file. For example, if you had a name field on a document that you wanted to autofill for each recipient, this is what you would do. First, put a Text Tag on the name field, and check the name of the tag. You can change the name of the tag to something more recognizable, like Name_1. Then add a column in your CSV file, and make its name match the tag’s name. Under this column, add in the appropriate information for each recipient to autofill the tag. In our example (see picture below), under the Name_1 column, for the recipient John, we’d put John. Once the document is bulk sent, John will be able to open the document, with the specified text tag automatically filled in with his first name.

  1. Once your tags are in place and renamed, open up a Google Sheets or Excel spreadsheet to create your CSV list. In the first rows, add Name, Email, and any tag names that you want to pre-populate. Then in the following rows, enter the signer information. The name and email are the only columns that are mandatory. The example below gives you an idea of what can be done with the Bulk Sign CSV file.

CSV file for Bulk Sign documents for signing

  1. Once you’re finished constructing your signers list, click on Edit next to recipients in the Editor and when prompted, import the CSV file to your Bulk Signer List recipient by using the Import Bulk List button and selecting the CSV from your computer.

Edit the signer list by importing your CSV file for bulk sign

  1. Once the CSV is imported, you’ll see a second window with the signer information plus any pre-populated tags you want for them. You can edit any of the information by simply selecting it in the window. When you’re finished click the Finish Import button and then Save.   Finalize your signer list before completing the import for your bulk send documents for signing
  2. When you’re finished adding your signers, you can finally send off the document by selecting the Bulk Send document in the top right. Just review the document first before sending, and make sure that everything is correct and to your liking!

Now that it’s sent, each person on the signer list will get a document to sign that’s separate from all the other signers, but this saves you the trouble of sending out these documents one by one! Each of these documents can be viewed from the Documents page, where you can track and monitor the document status and progress of each one. Try it yourself and bulk send documents for signing today!

Further Reading

Electronically Signing Documents for Yourself
Sign Documents Online as a Recipient
Create Your Default Signature Design for One-Click Signing

Send a Document for Signature

Getting signatures online is exactly what Signority is for. In this post, we’ll be going over how to create an electronic signature document so you can begin collecting signatures and closing business deals!
Before you begin, you’ll need two things:

  • A document to send (preferably in PDF format but almost any other file format will work); and
  • The names and emails of the signers for that document

How to Create an Electronic Signature Document

Begin by clicking +New and then New Document to start creating a new document.

  1. The Upload page: if you have a document that has PDF form fields or anchor text, you can select those options first before uploading your document. This will let the system know to upload while searching for those options. However, with or without Upload Options, upload or drag and drop the file you want to use to create electronic signature documents. A message will appear when a document is successfully uploaded and will be listed on the right-hand side. When you’re finished, click Next or Add My Recipients buttons to continue to the next step.
  2. The recipients page: Using  Add signers to collect your electronic signatures for this document , you can add as many signers as you need for a workflow. The Create a sequence for your signers option lets you create a sequence for your signers and further customize the workflow to fit your needs. When you’ve added your signers, personalize the invitation email to your signers by changing the email subject line and body message to suit your needs. When you’re finished, you can also set up some recipient and document settings on the right, such as setting up your automated reminder schedule and capturing page view evidence from your signers. When you’re done, click Next to edit the document to capture the electronic signature and any other information from your signers!
  1. On the Editor page, you will see the document you uploaded, as well as the signers listed on the left. You can change them if there were any mistakes or differences. At the top of the page, you can also customize the document settings. How to edit the document to collect electronic signatures
  2. Finally, once the document settings are finalized, drag and drop the tags from the left onto the screen. Use the drop down menu after selecting a tag to change who the tag is assigned to. You can get an overview of tags and what they do here. The tags will change color to indicate different assigned signers. Also notice that after you change a signer for one tag, the following tags will be assigned to them as well. You can find more information on tag settings and assigning tags here.
See how to add tags and assign them to the right signers


  1. When you’re finished assigning tags to all your signers, review the document and then Next to finish up the design process. When prompted, select the standard electronic signature option.
When you're ready to send, select the eSignature option


  1. When it’s successfully sent, you will be taken to a Congratulations page to confirm that it was sent properly. The system will count this send towards your usage. Notice that regardless of the number of signatures or files in each document sent, Signority will only count it as one.

If you need more information, check out our video below and get a step by step on how to create electronic signature documents from scratch.

Further Reading

Learn how to set up templates
Learn how to set up default reminder schedules and deadlines
Learn how to electronically sign a document for yourself