Global Settings Overview


Available with:  All Team, Custom, and Enterprise Plans         Role: Billing Admin & Super Admins

This page will review and explain the General Settings section of your Global Settings.

You can access the Global Settings by:

  1. Clicking Admin at the bottom of  your left hand sidebar menu
  2. Selecting Settings in the Admin Console sidebar menu
  3. Choose Global Settings in the submenu that appears.

Getting to Global Settings

A pop up window will appear labeled Global Settings. Signority has made the Global Settings window as easy and intuitive to navigate and use as possible.


Navigating Global Settings

The quickest way to navigate the Global Settings window is to use the Menu of Settings at the top of the page under the header, as shown below in the red rounded rectangle.

Global Settings Top Menu

As you can see there are seven (7) setting categories; General, Security, Document, Notification, Sharing, Signer Options, and Retention & Backup

Each category is linked to take you directly to that section when you click on it.  When you do the category will turn blue to show that is the category you are currently reviewing. In the image above you can see that we are in the General category.

Note: Any change you make in the Global Settings will affect all users within the organization’s account. Be cautious when making changes.


Locked & Unlocked Settings

When you view the Global Settings window in Signority you will notice that there are locks at the top of the window as well as at the end of the row for each individual setting.  Here is what the two styles of locks look like: 

Red and Black Locks


What happens when a lock is open or closed?  

When a lock is:

  1. Black and unlocked (open): The option chosen for this setting is set as the ‘default’ setting for any new users going forward. However, because it is unlocked, a user may change that setting if it is available in their Profile Settings. A Team Admin may also change or lock it for their Team if they choose. 
  2. Red and Locked (closed): If a lock is closed, red, and has the words, “Locked by….” beside it, the setting is unchangeable and enforced for all users. For example, if an Admin locks the Enable 2FA/MFA and locks it, then all users must set up their 2FA before creating a document the next time they log in. They cannot put it off.
    The “Locked by…” is there to let users know which administrator has locked the setting should they wish to appeal the decision.

Once you have made a change to your settings click Save at the top right corner of the window to update the settings. 

Tip: Some changes will take place across the board while others, i.e.: Document Settings, will only apply to any new documents/templates created after the change has been implemented. Which it is will be confirmed within each Categories tutorial.


Can I Lock All the Setting? 

Yes, once you have reviewed the settings to ensure they adhere to your company/industry standards and policies you may lock and enforce them all if you wish.  To do this simply click the black open lock at the top left of the window next to the window title as shown below. This will lock all your Global Settings.


Branding Overview


Available with: All Team Plans   Role: Super Admin


This page will give you an overview of the Branding content you can enter within Signority.

Your Branding section can be found in your Admin console.  From your Dashboard you can click on “Admin” in the left sidebar menu.

In your Admin console, or dashboard, in your revised sidebar menu you will see Branding (or if you have the menu collapsed click on the Star icon)

A modal window will appear and the first section you will see is where you will:

  1. Put your Company Name
  2. Check the box for company branding – this allows you to upload your logo
  3. Click on the boxes to upload your logo (one for the email notifications and one for the signing page)
  4. Details of the optimal image size for each logo


The next section is where you will enter any default information for your email notifications.  

  1. Email Subject: this will override Signority’s default email subject line.  
  2. Email Footer: this will override the default content Signority has in email footer.
  3. Email Signature: here you can set a default email signature that, if locked, will override user signatures.
  4. Email Tagline: this line appears under your logo and can be used to enter your company’s tagline.
  5. Signer Help Content: this is where you can enter information to assist your signers in the signing process.

After the custom content you can enter, you will see a preview of your email with the tagline (1), signature (2) and footer (3).  In our sample we left the default footer content.

Next you have the Terms of Service. The terms of service entered here will appear with the Signority Terms of Use.  (you must contact Signority if you want this feature enabled fully)

Lastly we have the SMTP protocol section.  This will allow you to have all email notifications go through your servers rather than Signority’s.  Doing this will have the emails come from you and not us. I.e.: Don Harbour ( and not Don Harbour ( 

Move User(s) from One Team to Another


Available with: Team Plans


This tutorial will show you how to move one or more users from one team to another. 

To move a user from one team to another from your Dashboard select Admin in your black sidebar menu and then select Users & Teams in the updated sidebar menu. (your menu may look different than the image depending on your role)

Admin Users and Teams

There are two ways to find the user(s) that you are looking to move.

The first way you can find the team where the user(s) are currently assigned and select the checkbox beside their name(s) as below. You can see that the users are in the team “Testing Team One” which is a subteam of the QA Team. 

The second way to find them is to do a search for them. You can search for them using different filters.  First click on the “+Add Search Filter” button.


Then in the menu that appears choose the filter that you want to use.  We are going to use Team Name. 

Once you click on your preferred search filter a little box will appear for you to enter the term you want to search for.  In this example we  will enter Testing Team One. Then click Apply.

As  you can see below our team appeared listing the users we wish to move.

Now check the box(es) beside the user(s) that you wish to move to another team.  Keep in mind that if you choose multiple users you must be moving them all to the same team.  Once you have selected your users (1) choose More (2) and then click Move in the menu that appears (3)

In the modal box that appears click on the drop down menu (1) and select the Team  you want to move the users to (2).  Then click OK (3).

Once the window disappears you will see the Users and Teams have collapsed again.  Find the team you transferred them to and celebrate  your success. 

Transfer One or More Documents to Another User


This tutorial will show you how to transfer one, or multiple, documents from one user to another.

Note: If you are looking to transfer all the documents in one user account to another please see our tutorial, Transfer All Documents from One User to Another.

There are a couple of places to go to initiate a transfer of documents within your account in Signority’s Documents Folder.

Transferring One Document to Another User

We are going to start with a single document transfer.  Signority calls this ‘pushing a document’ to another account.

In your black sidebar menu click on Documents.

Documents Sidebard Menu


In your documents folder find the document you wish to transfer and select the dropdown menu on the far right of the document name. We will transfer the document ‘Anchor Text Tag Sizing (20)’.

Documents Folder - drop down menu arrow


Clicking on the down arrow will have the dropdown menu appear. In that dropdown menu hover over “More” (1) and this will have a submenu appear. In that submenu select “Push to an Account” (2).



In the window that appears enter the username (email) of the user whose account you want to ‘push the document’ to (1).  Then click OK (2).

Transfer Document - Enter Other Users Name


When the pop up window disappears you will see that the document is now gone from your documents folder.


Transferring Multiple Documents to Another User

Transferring multiple documents to another user is just as easy as it was to transfer a single document.  You can follow these same steps to transfer only one document if you want.

In your Documents Folder check the box beside each document you want to transfer to another user. I am going to transfer “Bulk Sign Test_Liz Signority” and “Bulk Sign Test_Bob Signority”.


Note: If you transfer a document that is still “In Progress”, this process transfers the ownership of that document to the person you are transferring the document to.  This means once the document is finalized and everyone has signed it, they will receive the final document, not the user who originally sent it (you).


Transfer Multiple Docs - Selecting the docs


Then click on More in the top menu (1) and select “Push to an account” (2).

Document Transfer - Menu - Push to an Account


In the window that appears enter the username of the account you want to send the documents to (1) and then click OK (2).

Transfer Document - Enter Other Users Name


Once the window is gone you will see that your documents are no longer in your documents folder.

Document Transfer Successful


Congratulations, you have successfully transferred the documents to the other user account!

Transfer All Documents to Another User


Sometimes a person’s role within your organization changes and they are either moved to a team that doesn’t use Signority or they have left the organization.  In this case you will need to delete the user from your account.  


When deleting a user you first have to remove all of the documents in their account. To do this you have two options. 

  1. Delete the documents
  2. Move the documents to another user’s account


Note: The easiest way to ensure there are a manageable amount of documents to delete is to have a Retention Policy enabled. 


To move the documents to another user’s account check the box beside the user’s name (1), select More (2) in the top menu, and then choose Transfer Documents (3); as shown below.

In the modal window select a user to transfer the documents to in the Recipient drop down menu and select OK. 

All the documents are now transferred from the first user to the second user.

Deleting a User(s)


Delete a User

Sometimes a person’s role within your organization changes and they are either moved to a team that doesn’t use Signority or they have left the organization.  In this case you will need to de-activate the user from your account.  

Note: You cannot de-activate a user unless all of their documents have been either deleted or transferred to another user.  To learn more about transferring documents see our Transferring Documents tutorial.

To de-activate a user(s) check the box(es) beside the user(s) that you want to delete (1). In the top menu select More (2), and in the submenu select Delete (3).


Selecting users to delete

A modal window will appear and ask you to confirm that you want to de-activate the user(s).  Click OK. 

Confirm deletion of user

The user will disappear from your users list.