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Adding a Team

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All Team Plans      Roles: Super Admins, Team Admins



Adding a Team

Adding a team or subteam in Signority is done in the Users & Team page.  This page can be found by clicking on your Admin option in the left hand sidebar menu and in the updated sidebar menu, select Users & Teams. 

Admin Users and Teams

In the Users and Team page select “Add Team” from the top menu. 

In the modal window that appears enter the Team Name and then select a Parent Team from the existing list of teams using the drop down menu. In my example I am adding a subteam called Testing Team One to my QA Team.

Add new team info

You will see the new team appear in the list of teams and users below. The new team will be indented under its parent team. 

New Team appears indented under parent team

Note: You may have to expand the team lists to see your new team after the page refreshes.


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