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Adding Multiple Recipients Simultaneously

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Do you have a document that requires multiple recipients? Simply enter or paste a list of emails separated with semicolons and the recipients will be created automatically.

To Add Multiple Recipients Simultaneously:

  1. Start the process of Creating a New Document.
  2. Once on the Add Recipient’s page, click on the ellipses button next to Add Me (1) and select Add Multiple Recipients in the dropdown menu (2).

  3. A pop up window will appear where you can type or paste your recipient’s emails separated with semicolon and a space. Click OK when done.

    Note: Do not place a semi-colon after the final email address.
  4. Your recipients will automatically populate the workflow in the order listed as “signer” recipients.  Signority will prefill signers’ names using the first part of their email before the “@” symbol (1).  Please review the names in your list and make any required corrections.
    Note: If any of the email addresses you have entered are invalid Signority will outline them in red to show you where any corrections are needed, as seen below.
  5. Make any changes to the recipients, their settings, and customize the email message if required.
  6. Click Next and continue with the document creation process.


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