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Global Profile Settings for Teammates by Administrators

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The Global Profile Settings are only available to the Billing Admin and Super Admins for editing.

To Access Global Settings:

1 – From the User Dashboard click on the Admin Icon in the black left sidebar menu.

2 – From your Admin Dashboard click on the Users & Teams Icon in the black left sidebar menu.

3 – In the Team Page you will see Global Settings in the menu above the team listings.

4 – Clicking on the Global Settings will open the Global Settings modal window. This window will allow you to customize and lock team settings in four (4) categories:

a) Email Reminder Notifications

b) Sharing of Contacts, Documents, and Templates

c) Enforcing Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

d) Setting default Text and Date Tag sizing.

5 – You may also lock the settings you have chosen either individually, or you may lock them all at once by using the “
Lock All Settings” option at the top right of the Global Settings window. 


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