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What do the Severity Level and Priority mean for my support issue?

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When you submit a support ticket you will receive an email stating the tickets Severity Level and Priority level, shown in the image below. These let you know the estimated time for resolution of the problem and how wide spread it may be.

Before we begin, you can read a much more detailed explanation of Signority’s standard SLA (Support Level Agreement) here.

Here are the five (5) level of Severity Levels that Signority has defined and what they mean:

  1. Level 1 – Critical:
    Services are unavailable for all Users
  2. Level 2 – Disruptive:
    Services prevent clients from executing one or more critical business processes for a substantial number of Users, or Services are usable with limited capabilities and/or intermittent interruptions which have serious business Impact.
  3. Level 3 – Localized, no Workaround:
    Services disrupt important business processes for less than a substantial number of Users. No reasonable workaround available.
  4. Level 4 – Localized, w/Workaround:
    Disruption of important business processes where a workaround is available or functionality is not imperative to Your business operations. Disruption does not have a significant impact on Your business operations, but may impair nonessential functions of the Services or adversely affect the use of the Services. Reasonable workaround is available. A reasonable workaround is available.
  5. Client Knowledge:
    An issue that can be resolved by sending the user an already available Knowledge Base article, online video tutorial, or support guidance.


Along with the Severity Level assigned to your ticket will be a Priority Level, this level gives guidance on the estimated timeline required to resolve the issue.

The Priority Levels are Low, Medium, and High.

  1. High
    Will always be assigned to a Level 1 incident. This means all hands on deck and we are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
  2. Medium
    This priority level will always be associated with a Level 2 situation, and in some cases a Level 3. This is a major interruption that most likely will require a Hotfix. This means as soon as we have a solution that has been tested thoroughly we will release it asap. We will always work to resolve the issue within 3-5 working days.
  3. Low
    The Low priority does not mean that you are necessarily at the bottom of the list.  This simply means that as soon as we understand what is causing the issue we know it may take more time to resolve.
    A low priority will be assigned to Severity Levels 3, 4, and 5. 
    It does mean that if the issue is restricted to select accounts and is not restricting business, the ‘fix’ will be released either in a Patch  (a smaller release scheduled between our major updates/Sprints) or it may come out in our next sprint (major release).
    A low priority will also be assigned to any ticket where we have been able to resolve it through sending you a tutorial or if you actually needed to speak with another department for your question.
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